Monday, December 15, 2008

Gift Box

I'm nothing like Martha Stewart, and I'm not one to tell someone how to wrap their gifts because I'm horrible at it. However I did discover a trick that allows you to use the boxes from gifts given the past Christmas without any confusion.

When I open a box and find that I got the same gift as last year, my mind immediately rattles off scenarios on what could have gone wrong, and then I open the box to find something completely different and I calm down. You would think that I would learn to expect seeing old boxes, but for some reason I haven't.

"What!? Another lamp!? Oh wait, cool."

Anyway, I feel that opening a gift to find a brightly colored and somewhat familiar looking box with something else inside is slightly unpleasant and can be remedied with the trick I'm about to show.

The trick is to simply turn the old box inside out so that the graphics of the old product are hidden inside the box and the brown inside of the box becomes the outside so that there is no possibility of confusion. As illustrated below:

Gift Box Size Comp_w

Gift Box Unfold_w

Gift Box Graphics Inside_w

Gift Box Invert_w

Probalo solved.
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