Sunday, March 2, 2008

Game Developers. A Conference. A Peeved Job Seeker.

At some point in the recent past my girlfriend and I drove nearly an hour to our Alma Mater to see if we could get any help with searching for jobs. Once we got there, we were basically told that everything is done online now and that we should do it all on there. Even though we were told on an earlier trip to the same office that the lady who helped us on the later occasion was great and that she could do a lot for us. If everything is done online, then what exactly is her purpose then? Why are they paying her a salary?

Tantamount to that story, I had a great time at the conference this year but one thing about it really irked me. I traveled all the way from Virginia to San Francisco, California to present my demo reel to the game companies at the career fair only to be told by some of them that I should submit it online because they're not taking them there.

Not accepting them there? At a career fair? I was insulted. I felt that it was rather rude of them not to accept reels. I will submit my reel online, and understand that it is a more tidy method of receiving them for the companies, but for someone to have to travel such a long distance only to be told that they don't accept demo reels there is just unacceptable.

I had heard though, that some companies had booths set up nevertheless because they did on site interviews to the ones who had submitted their reels prior to the event. Also, I think there was also purpose for them being there to talk to investors. and finally, I heard that another reason they wouldn't accept them is because they would have to fly them back, adding an expense to their trip. But I hardly think those are excuse enough to shrug off those who were seeking jobs.

I thought driving 50 minutes to my college was bad.

(This blog written in part on a PSP, which I think is kinda cool.)
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